Huge success for the production of Gottfried von Einem’s opera „Der Prozess“ / The Trial at Landesbühnen Sachsen (Germany) . Print- and online media refer to a “highly acclaimed premiere” and “big applauses” by a remarkably young audience. Special praises for the interpretation of the leading part by the Australian tenor  Pascal Herington

Conductor: Hans-Peter Preu . production and staging: Sebastian Ritschel . orchestra: Elbland Philharmonie Sachsen . for further information see


The transcription of the score for 33 instruments by Tobias Leppert – financially supported by the Gottfried von Einem Private Music Foundation – proved very practicable and was seen as a  recommendation for further productions of the opera in smaller settings.

Reviews (German only):
Gottfried von Einem: Der Prozess | Die Deutsche Bühne (
Oper: Josef K. wird der Prozess gemacht | Sä (
Die Bildnisse des Joseph K. – von Einems „Der Prozeß“ an den Landesbühnen Sachsen | nmz – neue musikzeitung

Reviews as pdf files:
21 10 11 kritik dresdner neueste nachrichten
21 10 11 kritik sächsische zeitung
21 10 14 kritik freie presse
21 10 29 kritik opera journal cz

Reviews as word documents:
21 10 10 deutsche bühne kritik prozess
21 10 10 sächsische kritik prozess
21 10 10 nmz online kritik prozess

(c) Photograph: Pawel Sosnowski / Landesbühnen Sachsen